ChildSpace participates in ALX Promise program. In response to COVID-19 we have committed to higher safety standards for employees and families than the minimum rules required by law for all businesses.

Please find CDC guidance for child care programs here.

Please find the latest guidance for child care programs from Virginia Department of Education here.

It is our greatest responsibility to protect the health and safety of our students. Based on the latest CDC and VDOE safety requirements and recommendations the measures/policies indicated below will be in place for the 2021 - 2022 school year and Summer Camp 2022:

Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedure

When you arrive to drop off/pick up your child please:

  • Ring the doorbell, staff will meet you at the door

  • Do not enter the school with your child

  • When waiting outside, keep 6 feet distance from other families that are dropping off/picking up their children. 

Temperature and Symptoms Screening

  • Upon entry to our facility temperature and symptoms screening will be conducted for children and staff

  • Regular health checks of children and staff will be conducted throughout the day to look for symptoms of sickness or fever

  • Children or staff with fever of 100.4° F or higher, cough, or shortness of breath will be sent home

  • Doctor’s note will be required to return to school

  • Families will be required to let the school know if there are any household members with COVID-19

  • Families will be informed immediately if there are any cases of COVID-19 at school.

Healthy Hygiene Behavior

  • Staff will ensure that children wash their hand upon arrival to our facility

  • Frequency of hand washing while at school will be increased (antibacterial soap will be used)

  • Staff will ensure that students are washing their hands properly 

  • If soap and water are not readily available (outside time, etc.), a hand sanitizer will be used

  •  Students will be reminded to cough and sneeze into their elbows and wash hands after. 


  • Our school will be cleaned and disinfected daily

  • Frequently touched areas (desk tops, door knobs, faucet handles, handrails and etc.) will be wiped down multiple times a day 

  • Wearing a change of shoes inside the school will be enforced. Please make sure your child has a change of shoes at school.

Activities and Social Distancing

  • Our capacity will be limited to 12 individuals per classroom including staff

  • Small group activities will be implemented  and individual play/activities will be encouraged

  • Longer outside time will be incorporated

  • Shared teaching materials will be limited to those that can be easily cleaned and disinfected at the end of the day or more often as needed

  • Use of supplies and equipment will be limited to one group of children at a time and will be cleaned and disinfected between uses (art supplies and etc. assigned to a single student)

  • Student’s belongings will be kept separated and in individually labeled storage containers and will be sent home for cleaning if needed.

Personal Protective Equipment Use

  • Masks are optional for staff and students.